jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

Pakistan: A Nation Divided

Pakistan's political situation is an ever-changing landscape. Despite sharing the same religion, the population is divided into many different ethnicities, sects of Islam, and languages. Its long, complex history includes invasions since 5000 BC and a variety of governments in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Which is its location? What countries does it border with?
Pakistan is located in South Asia and its borders are Central Asia and the Middle East.

What does the geography say about the country? There are different types of natural features range from the sandy beaches, lagoons, and mangrove swamps of the southern coast to preserved beautiful moist temperate forests and the icy peaks of the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountains in the north. Most areas of Punjab and parts of Sindh are fertile plains where agriculture is of great importance. Climate cold winters and hot summers in the north and a mild climate in the south, moderated by the influence of the ocean.

What is the dominant religion? Which other exist?
Muslims (97%), Sunni Muslims constitute 77 percent of the population and that devotees of Shia
Islam make up an additional 20 percent. Christians, Hindus, and members of other religions each account for about 1 percent of the population.

What are the different ethnic groups?

Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Baloch, and Muhajir.

Which ones are the main customs and traditions? Pakistan has a rich and unique culture that has preserved established traditions throughout history. Many cultural practices, foods, monuments, and shrines were inherited from the rule of Muslim Mughal and Afghan emperors. The national dress of shalwar qamiz is originally of Central Asian origin derived from Turko-Iranian nomadic invaders and is today worn in all parts of Pakistan. Women wear brightly coloured shalwar qamiz, while men often wear solid-coloured ones. In cities western dress is also popular among the youth and the business sector.


How is this his life different from yours?
It is different because I have fri
ends of the opposite sex and there is no problem. I go to parties and I don’t know much about politics as Minhaj does, because when he doesn’t go out with friends he stays in his dorm reading.

Which custom caught your attention?

The custom that caught my attention was that he couldn’t be with girls, even with friends. He also couldn’t be near a friend that
had a girlfriend.

How does his religion affect his way of acting?
People know that he is very intelligent, he reads a lot and he is part of the football team, but he goes to parties just to say hello and he leaves. He can’t get along with girls and obviously he can’t have girlfriend. He even describes himself as a geek when he doesn’t go out with friends, and on weekends he goes home.


Aabharana Dalaja

Religion: Hindu
Ethnicity: Sindhi

How often do you go to a religious service? Where? What happens there?
The vast majority of Hindus engage in religious rituals on a daily basis, most Hindus observe religious rituals at home, but rituals greatly vary among regions, villages, and individuals.
We meditate, but also one of the most important and typical religious action is purification, which is done usually with water.

Do you know anyone of a different religion? How do you get along? I know people from other religions, but I mostly spend time in rituals with hindus.

Do boys and girls hang out socially? Do you go to parties?
No. We are not permitted to go out with boys. We have to cover ourselves up. The only parties that we go to are religious and ritual ones.

How many people live in your house? How do you interact?
My dad, my brother and my mother live in my house. My dad and my brother are together most of the time, well when my brother is home from school. My mom and I stay at home doing daily chores.

Who goes to school in your family?
Only my dad went to school. My brother does too, and when I ask my dad why, he tells me that Pakistan has never had a systematic, nationally coordinated effort to improve female primary education, although its poor standing.

How do you dress?
I dress mainly with a sari. Saris come in a whole range of regional styles, and are made from cotton, silk or nylon. There are different regional ways of wearing a sari, although the "nivi" style has become very popular recently. Most women still dress like this. I also wear Shalwar Qameez
(dress with trousers) and a Chador on their heads.

Which ones are your daily chores?
Devout Hindus perform daily chores such as worshiping at the dawn after bathing (usually at a family temple, and typically includes lighting a lamp and offering foodstuffs before the images of divinity), recitation from religious scripts, singing devotional hymns, meditation,
chanting mantras, reciting scriptures etc.

What does it mean to be belong to your ethnic group? Sindhis are a Sindhi speaking socio-ethnic group of people originating from Sindh, now a province of Pakistan. Sindhis living in Pakistan are predominantly Muslim but there is a significant number of Hindus Sindhis, and a small minority of Christians. Most Hindu Sindhis migrated to India in 1948, following creation of the Islamic state of Pakistan in 1947. These Hindu Sindhis are presently a small but visible minority in India.

Where are your relatives from? From Pakistan, but most of them migrated to India.

Do you hang out with people of other ethnicities? How do you get along?
I know a few people. I dont get along with them because I spend more time with Sindhis.

Do you have to marry someone of your same ethnicity?
Yes, its a tradition to marry someone from our same ethnicity.

Describe a typical tradition.
An important part of ritual purification in Hinduism is the bathing of the entire body, particularly in rivers considered holy such as the Ganges; it is is considered auspicious to perform this form of purification before any festival, and it is also practised after the death of someone, in order to maintain purity. Although water pollution means that in modern times there is a need for care during bathing in such rivers, the physical impurities within the river do not diminish the attributed power they have to bring ritual purity. Lesser aspects of Hindu purification ritual includeachama achamana - the touching and sipping of pure water while reciting specific mantras - and the application of a tilaka on the forehead.

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

News 2


Jan 22, 2009.

Castro 'reflects' on health, praises Obama

HAVANA, Cuba (CNN) -- Former Cuban President Fidel Castro said Thursday he doubts he'll still have the "privilege" of observing world events in four years, cryptically indicating awareness that he is drawing ever closer to death.

Fidel Castro, seen here in July 2006, praised Barack Obama in his essay.

Castro, 82, made the remarks in closing the latest edition of his "Reflections" essays that typically are posted on a government Web site the day before they are published in state newspapers.

The seven-paragraph essay discusses the inauguration and coming term of U.S. President Barack Obama in the United States, a topic he also addressed in an edition of Reflections published Wednesday.

"I've had the rare privilege to observe events over a long time," Castro wrote. "I receive information and think about the events. I don't expect to have that privilege in four years when Obama's first term has finished."

After those words, Castro's signature appears, followed by the time -- 6:30 p.m. -- and the date, January 22, 2009.

Prior to Wednesday, Castro had not posted an essay since mid-December, and no photographs of him had appeared since November. Once the 50th anniversary of Cuba's revolution passed on January 1 with no comments from the revolutionary leader, rumors circulated that he had fallen seriously ill or perhaps had died.

Who: Fidel Castro

Where: Cuba

When: Jan, 22, 2009

Why: Because of Fidel`s health.

What: Fidel is afraid not to be able to see what Obama does during his presidency because of Fidel`s weak health.


Jan 22, 2009.

Fidel praises Obama's 'honesty'

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro has praised US President Barack Obama for his "honesty" but says he has many questions to answer.

Mr Castro broke a five-week silence, writing an opinion column on a state-run internet site.

The 82-year-old's silence, after months of column writing, had contributed to speculation about his health.

His brother, President Raul Castro, said earlier that Mr Obama "seemed like a good man" and wished him luck.

But he cautioned that the new US president might be raising "hopes too high".

'Noble intentions'

Fidel Castro's essay on the www.cubadebate.cu site came hours after the president denied rumours that his health was worsening.

He did not give any reason for not writing columns, or "reflections" as he calls them, since 15 December, after averaging nine a month in 2008.

Mr Castro, whose Cuban revolution has survived 10 US presidents, had warm words for Mr Obama.

"I expressed that personally I had not the least doubt of the honesty with which Obama, the 11th president since 1 January, 1959, expressed his ideas, but in spite of his noble intentions there remained many questions to answer," he wrote.

Mr Obama has said he wants to meet Cuban leaders and improve US-Cuba relations. He has indicated he will ease restrictions on travel and remittances to Cuba but maintain the 46-year US trade embargo on the island.

The Cuban president has also said he is willing to talk with Mr Obama, as long as there are no intermediaries and as equal parties to the dialogue.

If they met, it would be the first between leaders from the neighbouring nations in five decades.

Fidel Castro also confirmed that he had met Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on Wednesday, near the end of her three-day visit to Havana.

President Fernandez said earlier that Mr Castro seemed healthy after she spent an hour of talks with him in Havana.

No pictures of the talks have yet been released.

Who: Fidel Castro

Where: Havana, Cuba

When: Jan, 22, 2009

Why: Because of Fidel`s health.

What: Fidel wants to meet Obma because he thinks he is a good man, even though Raul Castro says he is giving to much hope. Fidel wants to see Obama`s actions but his health might not let him.

Both news talk about Fidel wanting to see Obama`s progress with the U.S. He is afraid that because of his health he might not be able. The president of Argentina met him not long ago, an say that his health is "ok" but that he is 82 years old now and the risk keeps going up.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009


1. Silvio Berlusconi ITALY
2. Michelle Bachelete CHILE
Hillary Clinton USA
4. Hu Jintao CHINA
5. Álvaro Uribe COLOMBIA
Ehud Olmert ISRAEL
7. Gordon Brown UNITED KINGDOM
8. Ban Ki Moon COREA
9. Nocolas Sarkozy FRANCE
10. George Bush USA
11. Vladimir Putin RUSSIA
12. Fidel Castro CUBA
13. Mahmoud Abbas PALESTINE
14. Taro Asso JAPAN
José Luis Zapatero SPAIN
16. Kim Jong Il NORTH COREA
17. Barack Obama USA
18. Dalai Lama CHINA
19. Pratibha Patil INDIA
20. Thein Sein MYANMAR
21. Robert Mugabe ZIMBABUE
22. Hamid Karzai AFGHANISTAN
23. Raul Castro CUBA
24. Mohamed Osni Murbarak EGYPT
25. Dmitry Medvedev RUSSIA
26. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner ARGENTINA
27. Abhisit Vejjajiva THAILAND
28. Ignacio Lula da Silva BRAZIL
29. Angela Merkel GERMANY
30. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad IRAN
31. Asif Ali Zardari PAKISTAN

martes, 13 de enero de 2009


1. Where is Israel? Locate it on a map.
Israel is located ate the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, bounded by Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the southwest.

2. Why was Israel created? Israel was created to set up an official homeland for Jewish people. Since it was established, the country has been in conflict with the Palestinians.

3. Where are the Palestinian Territories? Locate on a map.
Palestinian territories are Gaza and the West Bank.

4. What is happening in Israel and Gaza? They are having a war for territory. Israel bombed Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip in response to the rocket fires by Hamas militants on southern Israeli towns.

5. How many Palestinians have died and how may Israelis? Up to date, there are 900 Palestinians dead and 13 Israeli people.

6. What is Hamas? Hamas is an Islamist group that governs Gaza. There are the biggest of the militant Islamist groups which aspire to the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state of Palestine. Hamas uses terrorism as a weapon and is considered a terrorist organization by the United States.

7. What was the U.S response to the attacks? The U.S is against the violence that is emerging between these 2 territories, so Hamas must stop firing rockets into Israel and agree to get to an end.

8. What happened when Israel was declared a state in 1948? Immediatly after Israel was declared a state, armies of neighbor Arab states started to invade.

9. What did Israel agree to the Oslo accords? Israel committed to withdrawing with parts of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Also Israel agreed that a Palestinian Authority would be set up.

10. How did Hamas came to power in Gaza? Hamas took hold of Gaza in the democratic vote of 2006 by gaining the majority of the Palestinian Legislative Council and took total control of Gaza in 2007.



a. To which "old battle" does the article`s headline refer? It refers to the conflicts Israel ha had since the time it was created with Palestine and neighbor territories.

b. What seem to be the hopes underlying Israel`s assault on Gaza? While Israeli leadership was not stating wider goals, there was clearly hope in the country - as tanks and troops massed late in the week - that the assault in Gaza would do more than just stop the rocket fire in which Hamas had broken a cease-fire last month.

c. How would a clear Israeli victory affect the region? A clear victory for Israel would make it easier for Egypt, Jordan and countries farther afield to declare common cause against Islamic militancy and its main sponsor in the region, Iran.

d. How would a clear Israelivictryaffect the United States? An international peackeeping force made up of Turkish and Arab troops could clear the way for a restoration of political control in Gaza.

e. How would Iran have much at stake in the outcome of the current crisis? Israel is the one country with the most at stake in the outcome. It sponsors Hamas and Hezbollah not only to torment Israel but also to spread its influences in the Arab world.

f. How likely is it that Israeli assault will be successful? Israel is more likely to be successful because United States has its back and the Israeli government counts with one of the most powerful weapon army. Fo the other side, Palestine have the musulman support.

g. What are some of the divisions in the Middle East that this conflict has highlighted?
Egypt, whose peace treaty with Israel is anathema to militants in the Middle East, kept its border to Gaza largely shut last week, and its president, Hosni Mubarak, quarreled openly with the leader of Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militant Shiite group that now shares power in Lebanon. And the meeting of the Arab League, Saudi Arabia`s foreign minister gently and indirectly rebucked Hamas for provoking the conflict.

h. What hapened in Lebanon in 1982? How are the Gaza attacks similar? In Lebanon in 1982, it invaded to eliminate the threat of Yasir Arafat`s forces, which were then encamped on its northen border. It accomplished that goal and eventually Mr. Arafat recognized Israel and negotiated. It is similar to Gaza`s conflict right now because it envolves terrorist attacks to other terretories.

i. In what ways might the attacks in Gaza backfire? The political consequences could reverberate throughout the Middle East, all the way to Iran, and help determine the ability of President-elect Barak Obama to pursue hus stated goals of calming the Middle East through dipomacy.

j. Why does Mr. Abbas say he will walk away from the peace talks begun by President Bush in 2007?
Now Mr. Abbas, already deeply mired in a rivalry with Hamas, could find himself further isolated from Palestinian sentiment the longer the Israeli assaults continue. Signs were growing last week that the fighting was emboldening Palestinian resistance.

k. What lessons has Israel learned from Lebanon?
One lesson Israel learned from Lebanon was to lower expectations, depriving Hamas of the chance to declare victory simply by surviving the Israeli assault, as Hezbollah did. Israel also seems to have prepared better.

m. In what way is the timing of this renewed battle beneficial? It came before the inauguration of Mr. Obama on Jan. 20. Although he has expressed staunch support for Israel he has raised expectations of a change in policy in the Middle East.

n. How will the Obama administration be able to capitalize on the situation in Gaza?
President Obama will be able to capitalize on the cease-fire to renew a push for a permanent settlement.



What is going on in the photograph? A doctor is taking care of a girl after a rocket fired from Gaza hit the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon.

Who is pictured? A doctor and a girl that seems to be very scared.

What can you learn about how the main subject in the photo is feeling from his or her facial expression? She is feeling scared, few minutes away there was a rocket fired near where she was. I can learn from this picture that civilians including children are also suffering.

What might this person be feeling, given what is going on in the photograph? Definitely she is feeling frustrated and "attacked" by Gaza. Obviously now she will be a little relieved to know that she will be "safe" where they will take her.

What might this person want to say to the opposite side? She might want to say to the opposite side to stop war. That not only ary people are dying and being wounded, but civilian people that have nothing to do with the conflict.

viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

News 1

Afghan Bombs Kill 15: 5 from U.S

Who? Afghans & American soldiers
Where? Kabul, Afghanistan
When? January 1st and 2nd. (string of incidents)
Why? Because of terrorist attacks.
What? Bombs that killed 14 people and more than 21 people are wounded.